Chuck's New 4000HP No Prep Kings Build - Street Outlaw Garage Tour (Honda, Domestics, and Boat!)
Chuck's New 4000HP No Prep Kings Build - Street Outlaw Garage Tour (Honda, Domestics, and Boat!)
by on September 08, 2021
On this episode we head over to Chuck Seitsinger’s garage to get the latest on his new 4000+HP NPK build! We tour his garage of endless toys and discuss the B-series Honda build that put him on the map back in the early 2000’s, Street outlaws history, and he even takes us for some sketchy backroad ride alongs In a few of his cars.
Check out Chuck’s channel!
Check out Jrods Garage for BTS from this video and more!
TRC Race Event Schedule:
FL2K Brandenton Motorsports Park Oct 7-10th
TRC Street Kings Bradenton Motorsports Park Dec 11-12th